Friday, February 8, 2013

W8_Joseph Adewale_Resolving of out-of-sequence progress


  1. Excellent posting, Joseph. You did miss one VERY important point- when you use Retained Logic and there is ANY out of sequence progress, Primavera (P3 anyway) totally ignores any earned value in that string.

    That means, each time you do an update, you need to generate an out of sequence progress report, then go back and FIX all that logic to reflect what REALLY happened. If you fail to do that, you won't get any earned value for any work done on that string of activities.

    And MSP is even WORSE as there is no "out of sequence logic" report meaning you have to go in and check manually.

    Doing earned value in these software packages (P3 and MSP) is a LOT of work. I prefer to dump the data from P3, P6 or P7 or MSP into Excel and then do the calculations in Excel. In the end, I find it is easier to manage AND more accurate.

    Keep up the really good postings, Joseph, but you are WAY, WAY behind and need to catch up if you expect to pass your exams....

    Dr. PDG, Jakarta

  2. I know I am really very far behind, I will put every effort to catch up sir. Thanks for being there.
