Wednesday, October 31, 2012

W1_Mervyn Ajimmy_Tuckman's Team Assessment

1.                   Problem Statement
The task at hand is to evaluate and determine which of Tuckman’s Stages the Bistro 12 team currently finds itself in its evolvement and be able to determine which leadership style is appropriate to use in managing the team to get the desired objectives of: Pass at least one of the AACE certification examinations and have Return of investment on Training to our various organisations and business units.
Dr. Bruce Tuckman presents a model which identified the stages that teams move through. These stages are commonly known as: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning.
The Tuckman model was evaluated using the 32 questionnaires answered by team members and hereby analysed as below:
·         Forming Stage       : 32
·         Storming Stage     : 28
·         Norming Stage      : 26
·         Performing Stage :  22 
Based on the above, the team is currently in the Forming stage, with the highest score of 32.

2.                   Develop Feasible Alternatives Models
Several models exist for evaluating the operating stage of a team. These includes amongst others:
·                     Tuckman Forming Storming Norming and Performing model
·                     Hersey & Blanchard's situational leadership model
·                     Tannenbaum & Schmidt Continuum

3.                   Develop the outcomes for each alternative
·                     Tuckman's model explains that as the team develops maturity and ability, relationships establish, and the leader changes leadership style. Beginning with a directing style, moving through coaching, then participating, finishing delegating and almost detached. By understanding these stages leaders will be better prepared to detect what is going on and take appropriate action to help the team.

4.             Analysis and comparison of the alternatives
·                     The criteria are the possible leadership styles utilizing Tuckman's four stages of team development, when overlaid on the Hersey and Blanchard model of determining the appropriate team leadership styles, suggests four levels of leadership to support the four phases of team development.
·                     Forming               - Directing
·                     Storming              - Coaching
·                     Norming              - Supporting
·                     Performing         - Delegating

5.                   Selection of the acceptable criteria
·         Based on the assessment above, Bistro 12 is currently in the Forming stage characterized by independency, lack of clear team vision and direction, roles and responsibilities of team members and effective operational guidelines.
·         The leadership style to adopt here at this identified forming stage will be a visionary type of leader, who is able to give clear direction, provide structure and clear tasks to each team member. Be able to create an atmosphere of confidence and optimism.  The leader would show leadership by example by getting involved. The leader will be directing.

6.             Performance Monitoring & Post Evaluation of Result
·         The effectiveness of the team’s leadership will be evident as the project team matures, reflecting in the increased performance of the team in successive weeks.
·         The team's performance would also be measured as its moves along with the number of members who are “fired” or drop off voluntarily. The Bistro 12 team can only go far and meet its objectives if it is willing to go with others and not to go alone stressing the importance of team work.

7.             References:
1.            Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing:  Helping new teams perform effectively, quickly
2.            Forming – Storming – Norming – Perfroming
3.            Different leadership styles for different team development stages
4.            Leadership Style and Team Development Stages
5.            Different Leadership styles for different team development stages
6.            (Tuckmans Team Development Model.
Retrieved, from
7.         Tuckman, B. (1965). Bruce Tuckman forming storming norming performing team development model. Retrieved from Web site:

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, Mervyn!!! Nicely done.

    Good job on your analysis and you followed our step by step process almost perfectly and your citations are spot on using APA format.

    Very nice posting and looking forward to seeing what you pick for your W2 topic. If you are working smart, not hard, it will be something related to your paper, which is almost done already. (Maybe explain one or more of the graphs you produced?)

    Bottom line- nice work and looking forward to seeing your W2 posting and the results of your plagiarism analysis.

    Dr. PDG, Jakarta
