Friday, November 2, 2012

W1_Rotimi Ojo_Tuckman's Team Assessment

1.    Problem Recognition, Definition and Evaluation:
Determination of the developmental stage of the Bistrol 12 group using Tuckman’s four stages of team development (Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing) and determining the most appropriate leadership style for this phase of group.
Problem Recognition:
Results of survey

According to the write-up from OED LEARNING TOPICS, the group appears to be in the forming phase, with this phase having the highest score of 34 .
2.    Development of The Feasibility Alternative:

From Buch Tuckman’s work, there are  4 possible Leadership styles that can be appropriate for this stage of the team’s development. These are;
a)    Autocratic Leadership
b)      Transformational Leadership Style
c)    Task-Oriented Leadership Style
d)    Participative Leadership Style
3    Development of Outcomes of Each Alternative
The Forming Phase is where Individuals come together to form a team. The team’s goals and objectives are established and communicated to team members. Team members are still independent to a large degree and not yet fully committed to the group’s goals. Their individual commitment to succeed supersedes that of the group. Team members look up to the leader for guidance and direction
a)    Autocratic Leadership: the leader has power over the other team members  and is very efficient as it makes decision making faster and work gets done quicker
b)    Task-Oriented Leadership Style: The leader focuses on the task to be performed and share roles and responsibilities among team members. The Task-Oriented leader also organize and monitor the work of the team members
c)    Participative Leadership Style: The leader takes full responsibility and make decisions on behalf of the group, but allows team members to make contributions in decision making.
d)    Transformational  Leadership: The leader inspires other team members, set clear goals and motivate people towards achieving them.
4    Selection of Criteria
The selection criteria will be based on;
a)     Demands of the situation
b)     Particular requirements of the team
c)     Challenges facing the team
5     Analysis and Comparison of Alternatives
By adopting the autocratic style of leadership, though decisions are made more quickly and tasks performed faster,, the quality of work done may be very poor as evidences available, suggests that there are  problems. Assignments are behind schedule and some team members are still not clear on what that is required in some of the assignments already issued to the group. The adoption of the autocratic style of leadership may be resisted by other group members as people do not usually like to be told what to do or treated as subordinates.
The task-oriented leadership style ensures that deadlines are met and can also grantee that assigned tasks are performed, it has the downside of not really considering the well being of the team members
The negative aspect of the participative leadership style is that it could slow down decision making processes and is usually counter-productive in situations where speed and efficiency is of the essence.
The transactional leadership style ensures that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined, tasks are assigned to members and team members are rewarded or purnished, based on their performance
6    Selection of Preferred Alternative
The preferred Leadership Style for the Forming stage of the Bistro 12 group stage based on results of the Tuckman survey and performance of the team is the TRANSACTIONAL leadership style.
This style will ensure that all group members have a clear understanding of what that is required on them and the likely rewards and purnishments
7      Performance Monitoring and Post-Evaluation Results
·       The team's performance can be measured based upon the number of assignments that are submitted on time, and the number of members who are “fired” or drop off from the group


Bruce w. tuckman - forming, storming norming and performing in groups
Leadership Styles Choosing the Right Style for the Situation

What is Transactional Leadership

1 comment:

  1. ALMOST got an Awesome, Rotimi!!! You did great up until the references......... You followed our step by step process almost perfectly. (What you don't know right now is that in another 6 weeks or so, (give or take a few) I will ask you to do this assignment again just to see where we are)

    But to fix the citation problem, you need to go to The OWL@Purdue and learn how to properly cite on-line and other references.....

    Be sure to scroll down the page and find the example which most closely fits your source.

    Dr. PDG, Jakarta
