Tuesday, November 20, 2012

W4_Folakemi_Filling Vacant Roles 2

1.      Problem recognition, definition and evaluation
In order to solve the problem of delays in filling vacant roles for a client, I employed the Multi-attribute decision making process. Usually, most of the time spent on recruitment is spent on attracting the right candidates to apply for the job. The question I am trying to answer is: what is the best method for reducing the time spent in attracting the right candidates?

2.      Development of the feasible alternatives
In the Multi-attribute decision making process proposed by scholars, there are two categories of models i.e. compensatory and non-compensatory models. The compensatory models are the ones that use a single dimension or common scale in evaluation of the different attributes being considered, while the non-compensatory models use different dimensions for each attribute. The different alternatives considered for solving this problem include:

  • Advertising the vacancies in newspapers in order to attract the right candidates
  • Advertising on online job sites
  • Creating a blog for advertising vacancies
  • Posting vacancies on my profile in different social media i.e. facebook, linkedin, etc

3.      Development of the outcomes for each alternative

The attributes required for an effective method of attracting candidates include:

  • Coverage: it must reach a large number of people, in their thousands or tens of thousands.
  • Ease/speed of advertising: It must be easy to advertise and the advert should be up within 24 hours
  • Cost: It should be affordable or even free
  • Details: There must be opportunity to put in enough details in order to streamline the applications that we will receive
  • Ease of applying: It must be easy for applicants to send in their applications as soon as they see the advertisement

4.      Selection of criteria

An analysis of the alternatives above produced the following:

Table 1: Alternatives

 The most important attribute in order to achieve the objective of attracting the right candidates within a short period of time is Coverage.

5.      Analysis and comparison of the alternatives
Using the non-compensatory model called Satisficing, the feasible ranges for the attributes listed above are:

Table 2 – Feasible Ranges


Based on these acceptable values, the Blog is disqualified because of the limited coverage. The coverage of the social media profiles may also not be good enough, depending on the number of people in the network of the person posting the advertisement. The Newspaper and Online job sites are the two most feasible alternatives; however both are more expensive than the maximum acceptable value

Using the compensatory model called the Nondimensional Scaling:

The nondimensional data for the different alternatives is as follows;

Table 3 – Nondimensional Data

From this analysis the Online Job site is the most acceptable method.

6.      Selection of the preferred alternative
Based on the analysis and comparison of alternatives, the most preferred alternative in attracting the right candidates and speeding up the recruitment process is the Online job Site.

7.      Performance Monitoring & Post Evaluation of Result
The online job site will be used for subsequent recruitment projects. The number of qualified applications received within 2 days will be evaluated to determine if this method is actually effective in reaching the right candidates.

8.      References

  •  Sullivan, W. G., Wicks, E.M., & Koelling, C.P. (2012). Engineering Economy (15th ed.) New Jersey, NJ. Pearson Higher Education, Inc.
  • Giammalvo, P. (2012, October 22). Integrated portfolio (asset), program (operations) and project management methodology course (cost engineering) slides (An AACE methodology course). Lagos, Nigeria: Lonadek

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME posting, Folakemi!!! BUT, the specifications for the blog posting require a MINIMUM of 3 references, and you only have 2.....

    And for the Engineering Economy citation, you should have cited the specific pages:
    Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of chapter. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pages of chapter). Location: Publisher.

    And for my citation, you should have included the Day and Slide numbers.

    Bottom line, I will accept this weeks posting but I do expect you will provide a MINIMUM of three citations and that they will conform to APA formatting.

    Keep up the good work and if you don't mind, can you share what you know about Multi-Attribute Decision making tools with Austin, please? He is doing good work but doesn't know about the various tools/techniques.


    Dr. PDG, Jakarta
